Last night we were able to go to Lake Farm Park for their Country Lights. We started out with the kids making their wooden toys with the help from an Elf.
Kaitlyn decided to make a panda bear with her Elf.

Reuben made an airplane. He took a long time painting his plane to make sure it was just right. It looked great!

For Lincoln there was no question about it. He made a tractor.

Eve had a wonderful Elf helping her. She was one of the first kids that started her toy and was the last done by far! He even had his own special stamp to stamp on the bottom of her toy. Our good friends the Smith's and the Greenway's went with us. Eve and her friend Madelynne both made castles and painted them pink. Eve's Elf even let them press the button to make it snow in the workshop.

Next stop was to visit Santa. There was a line to see him, but Lincoln sneaked up to the front of the room and sat down to watch and wait for our turn. He told us he was going to ask for candy but ended up really asking for Woody for Christmas.

After the kids were able to talk with Santa we went on our tractor pulled wagon ride to see all of the pretty Christmas lights. Last stop was the barn with the horses, sheep, pigs and goats. It was a great night. We love this tradition of going every year.