Monday, February 22, 2010

Ranking today

So today I (Ryan) ranked my programs for residency.  I only ranked four programs which may have been a bit of a gamble but they are the only 4 that I interviewed at that I am remotely interested in.  So now we hurry and wait for March 8th when the Match happens. In no particular order the Ranking is: 

St. Vincent's Charity in Cleveland, OH
Intermountain Medical Center in Murray, UT
Truman Medical Center in Kansas City, MO
Mineral Area Regional Medical Center in Farmington, MO

So place your bets now.  Are we moving or staying?


Becky said...

I really hope you get to come back to Utah. Looks like your odds are for Missouri though.

Jean said...

Oh fun!! Good luck!!

Headle said...

Is it already time for your residency? That's awesome!!! March 8th will be such a BIG day for you guys!!! GOOD LUCK!

Broderick Clan said...

Time goes by so fast! This will be a new adventure! I bet most of your family is hoping for Utah. I think it will be Kansas City. I can't wait to hear!

The Lindic's said...

staying, definately, staying ;-)

hilary w said...

Wow...this is exciting! Where do you most want to go? Too bad you didn't pick a program in Madison! :)

The Mead's said...

Pick utah that would be great! We miss you guys

J&C Hale family said...

word verification reads "murri". I can hope that means Missouri has a chance. ;)