Monday, June 29, 2009


My worst fear has happened!!!  I went down to the basement and turned on the light to get my mop bucket.  I looked in the sink and two little eyes were looking up at me!  It was a MOUSE!!!  I have never had to deal with mice before!!!  What works what doesn't?  Help please!!!  I don't think that I am going to sleep tonight!


Emily said...

Cats work without fail. Get yourself a kitty and you'll never have a mouse problem again.

Wendi said...

I hate mice with a passion. I have a few suggestions short of getting a cat (I'm really not a cat person). The classic snap traps are effective. (If you don't want to kill them they make havahart traps that don't kill them. Personally, I have no qualms with killing pest rodents.) We usually bait with PB covered cheese. When we had a problem with creepy crickets (these horrible critters are SO annoying) robbing the traps my dad suggested baiting with bacon. Find out where they are getting in and block entrances. You can stuff the entrances with steel wool. They won't chew through that. Also keep food sources off limits to them. Put things in containers that the mice can't get through.

Heh. Or you can get yourself a cat.

Michal Thompson said...

mouse trap with a raisin. Did it for us when we lived there. So what day do you leave to go to your parents? Ashlyn is sitting with me right now looking at your pictures and said "I want to go see Evee"

Gaskin Girl said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm so sorry!!! I've never had to deal with mice IN a house before, but I remember mice would sometimes get into the dog food when I was a kid. My dad always put peanut butter on the mouse trap so they wouldn't be too sneaky and get the food off of the trap without getting caught.

Cameron, Shannon Voge said...

We had mice in our garage in our last townhouse this past winter. We got those round traps that kill the mouse without you having to see it and they worked great. However, you have to put them in the right places in order to catch them. You need to put two traps along the wall facing all the entrances where they are getting in. Look for poop pellets to see where they are getting in, then put the traps on both sides of the door (or hole in the wall) facing each other, so it will surely catch the mouse. We also used the old fashioned snap traps and those actually caught more than the other traps did and we just put peanut butter on the trap to attract them. However, we did get one mouse that was smarter than the trap and he would lick the peanut butter off without getting snatched! But we set the traps as often as we needed to and within a couple weeks, the mice were gone. Remember to get rid of all the food you have down there! They are probably eating their way through cardboard boxes and food, that's what attracted our mice to our garage in the first place, they ate through a WHOLE box of peanut butter crackers... cardboard and ALL!! Good luck, they are so sick!

Kristen said...

oh my gosh. it's just a MOUSE! It's not like it was a big ol' nasty rat or something. :) maybe since we've had pet rats for the past few years makes me less squeamish about them...