Monday, July 19, 2010

Locks of Love

Kaitlyn has been growing her hair out for the last two years (with just a couple of trims in between) for locks of love. So, just in time for the hot weather she was able to have it chopped off. She is such a sweetheart. I am so proud of her for doing this and her selfless giving! She is such an example to me!!!
Plus, whoever gets her hair is going to have the best looking wig on the block! Who wouldn't die for that hair!


Mandi said...

What a cute-patootie.

Michal Thompson said...

that girl looks cute no matter how her hair is done!

hilary w said...

Tell Kaitlyn she looks GORGEOUS! I love the short hair and I love her wonderful example of service.

Becky said...

Good job Kaitlyn! I'm pretty sure that they dye all the hair they get donated so that it is all the same color in the end though.

J&C Hale family said...

What a fun thing, she looks great both with long hair and with short!