Reuben walked into the room today reading from a blank paper. He was reading a poem he "wrote". This is his attempt to sweet talk his way into getting another turkey (while very cute, it didn't work).
Yum YumDear Mommy, Dear Mommy
I love the turkeys turkeys
Dipped in chocolate, chocolate
They are so yummy, yummy
can I have another turkey, turkey.
- Reuben
Mom had a counter poem for him:
Nice Try
Dear Reuben, Dear Reuben
You already ate two turkeys, turkey
The rest are for others, others.
- Mom
Kristen saw these on a website and decided to make them. She has been dreaming of ways to make them for the past 4 days and finally sat down with a friend to make them. After working late into the night/early morning, she finished and we all enjoyed chowing down on them the following day. I speak for all of us when I say that Kristen is the best. We are so lucky she loves to do such fun things that we all can enjoy.